1. On the top bar, click CREATE ACCOUNT
2. Read description & rules before Create Account
3. Give a Valid eMail address
4. Phone Number is optional but provide it if you're interested in joining VClub
5. Your username is for login only. Nobody will see your username anywhere.
6. Answer the captcha (eg. 4 + 9 = 13. Type only 13)
7. After submitting, check your email for Verification Email. Check spam folder if you don't see it in the inbox
Moreover, yes! Creating A Profile is FREE for everyone, and most of the feature is FREE for students.
There are many verification methods on our platform. Check available verification method and process under every information settings where verification is applicable.
We have many methods to verify data. If our identification process finds out any of data is fake, we create a RedFile against that profile. RedFile is a feature to justify users honesty level. Varsitian profile is an academic passport for any individual. As nobody can create a second profile here, you should be very careful about giving data. We keep a record of every academic information you add here. You can't delete or update any given academic data later. So, if you are planning to give fake data for now and plan to modify it later, you're doing wrong.
You can appeal after accused of fake data. If you can prove it was not intentional or any hacking related problem or anything looks legit, we consider it and resolve your issue.
Yes, if you want you can keep everything private. None of your information is visible to another user including your profile photo by default. You have to change permission settings to make them public.
However, our system is always processing your information. And, when you want to get a scholarship or job, your data should be visible to the University authority & corporate HR department. You can change those settings anytime.
To build resume, you need to complete your profile in the profile wizard. Please, fill all information and wait to get approved.
Once you fill up all information in profile wizard, we will check your data and approve it. Once we approve, it will be completed. You don't have to do anything to get approval. Just fill up all data and wait. We will let you know by email when you get approval.
Please, send your question here.